
Haiki meaning
Haiki meaning

haiki meaning

In crystallizing the newly popular haikai, he played a significant role in giving birth to modern haiku, which reflected the common culture. In contrast to the traditional Japanese poetry of his day, Bashō’s haikai treated the ordinary, everyday lives of commoners, portraying figures from popular culture such as the beggar, the traveler and the farmer. He composed haikai masterpieces in a variety of genres, including renku, haibun, and haiga. For Bashō, haikai involved a combination of comic playfulness and spiritual depth, ascetic practice and involvement in human society. He made his life’s work the transformation of haikai into a literary genre.

haiki meaning

Matsuo Bashō is one of the most famous poets of the Edo period and the greatest figure active in Japanese haikai during the latter half of the seventeenth century.

haiki meaning

The Teimon School, centred around Matsunaga Teitoku, did much to codify the rules of haikai, as well as to encourage the writing of stand-alone Hokku. However, haikai does not include orthodox renga or waka. "Haikai" may also refer to other poetic forms that embrace the haikai aesthetic, including haiku and senryū (varieties of one-verse haikai), haiga (haikai art, often accompanied by haiku), and haibun (haiku mixed with prose, such as in the diaries and travel journals of haiku poets). It meant "vulgar" or "earthy", and often derived its effect from satire and puns, though "under the influence of Bashō (1644–1694) the tone of haikai no renga became more serious". Haikai ( Japanese 俳諧 comic, unorthodox) may refer in both Japanese and English to haikai no renga ( renku), a popular genre of Japanese linked verse, which developed in the sixteenth century out of the earlier aristocratic renga.

Haiki meaning